Hi! Do you know if there’s a particular name for the looped hairstyles like these: i[.]pinimg[.]com/564x/44/57/36/445736c8e7a0ffd0399993a0bb6c84c0[.]jpg & i[.]pinimg[.]com/564x/6b/e3/41/6be341d1db1fdd490473697594ad782b[.]jpg (and were they actually from the Tang Dynasty like the source said?)

Hi, thanks for the question!

These two looped hairstyles, worn by Fan Bing Bing as Wu Zetian in the Chinese drama “The Empress of China”, are unique styles with individual names. The first style is called 双环望仙髻/Shuang Huan Wang Xian Ji (Double Hooped Immortal-Seeking Ji), and the second style is called 飞仙髻/Fei Xian Ji (Flying Immortal Ji). “Ji/髻” refers to any hairstyle involving pulling hair on top of the head. Let’s take a look at each one:

1. 双环望仙髻/Shuang Huan Wang Xian Ji (Double Hooped Immortal-Seeking Ji):


For this hairstyle, the hair is split into two parts, and black yarn or ribbons are used to form hoops above the head. For the finishing touch, a small Buyao (hairpin with decorations that swing as you walk) is added to the front. The hairstyle originally developed from an earlier style called 双环髻/Shuang Huan Ji (Double Hooped Ji), which was popular among single women and court ladies during the Wei/Jin and Northern & Southern dynasties. The Double Hooped Immortal-Seeking Ji was fashionable during the Tang – Song dynasties:


2. 飞仙髻/Fei Xian Ji (Flying Immortal Ji):


This hairstyle, which consists of two tall twin loops on either side of the head, first appeared during the Han dynasty. Legend has it that during that time, the Heavenly Mother of the Jade Palace visited Emperor Wu Di. He was so astounded by the visit that he recorded the flying immortals’ hairstyle, and asked his court maidens to imitate it. The Flying Immortal Ji is thus commonly used in depictions of immortals. It was also worn by young girls, as well as being a popular hairstyle for traditional dances and performances:   


To create the hairstyle, start with a high ponytail atop the head. Next, split the hair into two segments and form each into a loop, and then wrap the ends around the base of the ponytail. Use hairpins to keep the coils of hair in place, and reinforce with another hair tie as needed. Finally, decorate generously with hair accessories. Semiprecious stone pins, jade combs, and delicate ornaments of metal were popular choices of the past.

For a visual depiction of how the Flying Immortal Ji is created, there’s a helpful video tutorial here:

The back is just as beautiful as the front!


Hope this helps!

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 45

Do you know where the photoset of the girl is in all red and its snowing and it kind of looks like a castle was taken ? Sorry if this is unspecific but I just thought that photoset was one of the most beautiful I’ve seen. (Also I’m absolutely in love with your blog everything on it is so educational and awe-inspiring!)

Hi! I’m really happy to hear that you love my blog! ❤

Regarding your question – you’re referring to this photoset, if I’m not mistaken. It was taken at the Chaotian Palace (朝天宫/Chaotian Gong) in Nanjing. The original source of the photoset is here.  It really is very beautiful, with all the snow, isn’t it? ^^

Hope this helps!

hi ! so less of a hanfu or style question… but i was wondering what dynasty do you suppose ‘ the rise of the phoenixes ‘ uses mainly as it’s material? i saw your post about the clothing style used seeming to be closely tied to tang the tang dynasty.

Hi! Yep, as I described in my post, the costumes in “The Rise of Phoenixes” mainly use the Tang dynasty as their reference material. If you look through my Tang dynasty tag, you can see how the clothes are very similar to those in the show ^^

So, I’m a DM running a custom Dungeons & Dragons setting in a Chinese themed fantasy setting (not actually China, but a fictional world based on China culturally). When a player asked what the kind of clothing/architecture I was using, I described it as a ‘mix of Tang and Han’ imagery. But I wanted to ask an expert: would it be considered bad/appropriative to mix styles from different eras? My intent was to make a fantasy setting that felt Chinese but not one specific era. Any help is great!

Hi, thanks for the question! I’m really not an expert at all, but thank you! I think it’s totally fine for you to mix styles from different eras for your fantasy setting, because to be honest, that’s what Chinese media does all the time! Seriously, if you check out Chinese dramas/cartoons/games, their cultural references (especially for clothing) tend to be derived from many different dynasties, combined into one. Especially since your setting is not actually China but rather based on it, I don’t see why you can’t mix styles ^^

Hi there! No worries, you’re not being a bother. To start with, there’s definitely no age limit on wearing hanfu. As for the question of cultural appropriation  – I’ve addressed the topic in my previous posts here, here, and here – please check them out! Personally, I feel that in your situation, there shouldn’t be any issues ^^ However, do keep in mind that I only speak for myself and there may be differing opinions. Hope this helps!

Hi! I just want to say thank you for sharing these lovely hanfu clothing and being so kind!! I’m about to purchase some casual ones myself and wear in the USA. I love the master post you made as well–it is so interesting to see everything!


Hello! I’m happy to hear that you love my hanfu Masterpost, and that you’ll be getting some casual hanfu to wear soon! ^^ Thank you so much for your encouraging message – it makes my day! 😀

(Image Via)

hi im sorry if this is such a weird question, but do you know if there is a blog like yours but for Vietnamese fashion? thank you so much, love your blog :) i use it for reference so much! and glad to know the history of each piece of clothing!

Hi, that’s not a weird question at all ^^

I’m really happy to hear that you love my blog, and that you find it helpful!

For Vietnamese fashion, I highly recommend Vietphuc.tumblr.com – the blog has a wealth of information on traditional Vietnamese clothing, history, and culture! ^^